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Good Division Templates Hoi4

While slightly more expensive than other infantry templates, they can be put to good use defending the alps from Italy as France or fighting in mountainous regions like Turkey and Asia. Despite this, mountaineers are highly situational, so it might be better to forgo the cost and deploy more standard infantry if playing a flatter, less mountainous country.

Good Division Templates Hoi4

Infantry templates will be the largest part of most armies and are great to use if you have limited industrial capacity. While they have limited offensive capabilities compared to some other types of divisions, they are excellent for plugging in gaps and holding lines.

Armored divisions are indispensable when it comes to breaking through front lines. Armored divisions have excellent attack values and are usually more mobile. Medium tanks will be used because of how good they are all-around, but feel free to swap them out for light or heavy tanks depending on personal preference. If you want to prioritize tank-on-tank combat, swap out the artillery for either anti-tank or a tank destroyer.

By using these templates you will be dominate on the battlefield in Hearts of Iron IV. While there are other divisions with some niche uses, these will be the basis of your army throughout your campaigns.

Are you having problem winning land battles in HOI4? If so, you must pay attention to three key things. Supply, air superiority and division templates. Also the divisions you made must be fully equipped. On this article, I will help you to make the best HOI4 division templates possible. For infantry, motorized, armoured, and garrison divisions.

Another 7/2 template, but this time with motorized units. Motorized template have 12 km/h speed whereas infantry have only 4 km/h. That means motorized templates are 3x faster and can help you to encircle enemy divisions. For rushing through enemy lands, motorized divisions backed by armoured divisions is the key.

Difference between motorized and infantry templates are not only in speed. Motorized templates have more organization, suppression and breakthrough. However, you must produce tons of trucks and oil in order to sustain these divisions.

For 20 width, optimal armoured division should have 6 tanks and 4 motorized infantry. Also they must be supported with engineer and recon for land bonuses. Artillery support also gives a good soft attack which is good for repelling enemy infantry divisions.

While I am happy to see the game add some strategic depth to give the player more options, it can also be a little confusing, especially for newer players, when trying to decide the best route to take.In this article, I will give you what I believe are the best division templates and why I think so.

It allows you to play around with division composition. You can customize everything including tech level and doctrine. For this guide, I used 1940 tech (usually when the decisive fighting begins) and left the doctrine blank so as not to skew the stats for any battalion type.Combat WidthPreviously in HOI4 the ideal combat width for division templates was easy to decipher. As the combat width was 80, some multiple of 80 be it 40, 20, or 10, was desirable. Now, all that has changed. Combat width now varies depending on the terrain in which the battle takes place. (For a more in-depth look at terrain, be sure to check out our guide on land combat here. Hearts of Iron IV Tutorial Land Combat) 2ff7e9595c

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